New York

Walking through the streets of New York was surprising in the sense that I expected it to feel very rushed, but the opposite was true. Although places were crowded, everybody was in a good mood (probably because of the great weather). These images are a mix between street photography and my take on the more popular spots.

Standing on the rooftop of our hotel brought back the memories of playing Grand Theft Auto 2 with my friends during college. It was a perfect fresh start of the morning and unfortunately the beginning of my last day in New York.

I wanted to time the image just so for the yellow cab to form a point of interest in the image.

One word is enough to describe this photo: “Envy”.

Initially I was attracted by the yellow Lamborghini passing the cabs. The whole scene filled with an orange glow. Noticing the cab passenger was just icing on the cake.

Two woman saying farewell to Manhattan.

Read “New York City 1” on for the full background story of our trip and many more photos.

A reflection of the Statue of Liberty is just the kind of image I was hoping to find. Shot from the Staten Island Ferry, the lines of the gates align perfectly. Working together with the repeating windows to create an illusion and pull the viewer into the image.

One of my best photos from the New York series.